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Dead Kennedys, Minds R Controlled, Rust. Metro Theatre Sydney November 2, 2018

Writer's picture: Mark FraserMark Fraser

Ron Greer - Dead Kennedys

Narrabeen’s Rust aint no Sunday Morning, they’re more like your 11 pm Friday night. ..drunk, disorderly and dishing it out at a rate of gnarly knots, as they open tonight’s gig to a pretty much packed house. 

Melodic mayhem is their foray from the very outset and if its honest Aussie punk rock you’re looking for, then you’ve come to the right place.

Firestorm is fricken nuts . Sex on the beach gives a nod to the Narrabeen lifestyle of old …ahead of the infectious barrage of the frantic guitar-driven, oz punk rockarama that is Oi Oi Aussie.

Decade of Corrosion celebrates ten years of sweaty board treading, whilst Skins and punks and Rock n roll Gun Slingers pretty much sum themselves up. 

RUST- in full flight

Signing out with a dedication to Lemmy K, this has been one killer opening set….and the perfect inroad to Minds R Controlled.

Looking all mild and mannered during setup, Sydney’s Minds R Controlled kick the shit out of it from the word go.

One fkn powerhouse of a band…Lifetime…Run n Hide…pummel pummel…all sharp as fuck and as engaging as all hell. 

Minds R Controlled

Knew nothing about these guys before tonight…and now I’m hooked.

The crowd swells and the scene is set with some Pistols over the PA and some idiot yelling out “Where’s Jello?” 

Enter Dead Kennedys…

DK’s Ron Greer loves a chat and it aint long before he’s cracking jokes about needles in strawberries and the lameness of Oz  TV sport…apparently only showing sailing and cricket… more banter about diseases and Sco Mo… and it’s into the goofy poses and even goofier faces that he does so well. 

This is as much about fun as it is about punk…” The doctor told me I’m too old for punk rock…well YOU’re all too old for punk rock” …he screams jokingly at the crowd.

Three minutes in and I’m covered in beer, some gorilla has stomped on my bung toe…and as the surge moves forward, I’m catapulted into the mosh barrier in front of the stage. It’s 1980 all over again!

This is piss take punk rock at its very best. Greer can work a crowd probably better than Jello did…and Klaus (looking more like Colonel Sanders these days), Ray and DH just pump it out as tight and as hard and fast as ever. I’m in punk pig heaven!

Too Drunk To Fuck….Kill the poor…the floor is electric…stage dives…surfing…it’s old school to the core.

Ron Greer can talk the leg of a chair and loves the limelight…a quick band intro and Nazi Punks Fuck Off really gets the shit happening.

California Uber Alles…Police Truck…Holiday In Cambodia…The perfect setlist really.


Greer has been on board for ten years now and has nailed it to a tee. Beautifully irreverent. Funny as fuck and he can carry the notes. The perfect front man really. 

 I have a train to catch. What a show!

And as I train my stale beer soaked self  back to the coast, I take solace in the fact that if only for the one night, 1980 was once again in my sweaty, bruised, body scarred grasp. Awesomeness!

Mark Fraser-

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